Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sky Properties - Sun Properties

Only available when you are using a photometric lighting workflow
The LIGHTINGUNITS system variable must be set to 1 or 2 for these options to be available
Status: Off, Sky Background, or Sky Background and Illumination
Intensity Factor: magnify the effect of the sky light
Haze: value between 0 - 15 to adjust the atmospheric scattering 大气层的散射 effects
Height: absolute position of the ground plane relative to world zero
Blur: control the amount of blurring that occurs between the ground plane and sky
Ground Color: color for the ground plane
Night Color: color for the night sky
Aerial Perspective: on or off
Visibility Distance: distance at which 10% haze occlusion 薄雾吸留 will result
Disk Scale: scale of the sun disk
Glow Intensity: adjust the intensity of the sun glow
Disk Intensity: adjust the intensity of the sun disk

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